JOURNAL (do not keep out)


          WHEN I SEE A CROSS


Josiah Wedgwood was an English potter and entrepreneur who is credited with the industrialization of the manufacture of pottery.  He applied his gifts to promote the abolishment of slavery,
 crafting a medallion depicting a slave 
kneeling in chains asking,
 “Am I not a man and a brother?”  
Benjamin Franklin expressed the 
significance of the logo being 
“equal to that of the best written
There is something very powerful about a visual.  When I view something, it fits into
place with information I may already have, embellishing it greatly. It may also introduce inspiration or information I don’t have that’s needed in my experience that impacts me profoundly.  This may take place while watching an inspiring movie, appreciating a picture, or taking in beauty surrounding me.  This kind of impact can come in so many different forms.  Watching someone taking the care and time to respond to a person
who has a need, or appreciating the nodding zinnias in my garden leaves me touched, uplifted, inspired. Yet, my most precious visual comes in reading God’s Word as
His Spirit so very personally illuminates the Words I read, to my life.
When Jesus was on earth, He used visuals in the way of parables that involved and
sparked peoples imaginations as He gave them Words of Life.
“And with many such parables He was speaking the word to them as they were able to hear it; and He did not speak to them without a parable.” The Gospel of Mark
Several years ago I was going through a day that seemed particularly hard.  I felt
weak inside as words through the voice of my own thoughts challenged me,
intertwining and gaining momentum with negative tones.  I don’t remember whether I
was tired, hungry, or whether I had been under a lot of stress.  All I know is that I was struggling. Truth seeming a blurry far off distance in turning the course of my thoughts.
As tears brimmed my eyes, I called out to God. ”Jesus, help me!”
As I drove through town, my errands finished, I pulled into the parking
lot of of the Christian Book Store.  In the midst of wanting to get home, I really didn’t
have any purpose for stopping there, I just felt led to do so.  I walked up to a jewelry display and began looking at each item.  I came across a gold chain
with a small cross hanging at the bottom.  As I looked at the tiny cross, my tears
flowed freely as I...remembered.  Jesus spoke His own Words to my heart.
“Jeannie, be of good courage, I have overcome the world!”1  “Your world!”
Time after time, whether through a visual reminder, or His gentle voice, God brings
home His Word to my heart just when I need it the most.
In the midst of my own weakness, I am reminded of who I am through Christ, an
identity obtained with His very Blood.  “I AM more than a conqueror through Him
Who loved me”2, “I AM the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus”3, ”Christ in me, the
Hope of Glory.”4
In the Greek, the word “Glory” is Doxa and is defined as opinion, judgment, view,  estimate.  In the struggles you and I experience, Christ is not only our Hope on the matter;  He is the Hope of our opinion, our judgment, our view, and our estimate on
the matter!  He is truth!
As I remember Who He is through His Word, and as a result, of who I am through Him,  I I see things in the light of His power, redemption and His creative work in my very
midst.  As my view lines up with His, so does my faith, and the receiving of His Grace
in ways I could never imagine!
When I see a cross, it is so much more than a story.  To me it is a reminder of
the precious reality of the Spirit of God living and active inside of me.  It is a reminder
of who am and all I have at my disposal from His very Heart, guaranteed, and the living
out His Word.
ⓒ2012 Jeannie McPherson
1. John 16:33
2. James 8:37
3. 2 Corinthians 5:21
4..Colossians 1:27